How to get a girl: A guide on how to win her love

You are ready to go out and meet a woman. Awesome! What do you do first? Let’s get started!

Confidence, first and foremost, is crucial. You do not need to be Brad Pitt. Just be yourself. Authenticity makes you attractive. Have you ever heard “Fake it until you make It?” You don’t need to fake anything in this case. Just be yourself. Read more now on Best Ways to Actually Meet Women.

Let’s talk now about appearance. Take care of your appearance. No one expects you look like a supermodel, but it’s important to take good care. Shower regularly and wear clean clothes. You can also spray a little cologne but not excessively. You want the woman to admire you for who you are, not how you smell.

Now, speaking of charms, let’s move on to conversation skills. Half the battle is won when you are able to engage in a meaningful conversation. Ask open ended questions and really listen to her answer. When she mentions how much she enjoys hiking, don’t simply nod. Ask what her favorite trails are or share a funny tale about your hiking misadventures.

Humor is a great asset. Women enjoy a man that makes them laugh. It’s okay if you don’t come across as funny. A few silly jokes, or a light-hearted story can do the trick.

Don’t forget that body-language speaks volumes. You should maintain eye-contact, but not stare as if you were in a staring competition at the county fair. Smiling is contagious. It makes you approachable.

What now? What next? What now?

Take the initiative and put yourself out there! Join groups and clubs that you find interesting. It doesn’t matter if they’re cooking classes or book clubs as long you enjoy them. It’s a great way to meet women that share similar interests.

Use it well! Follow pages that interest you and join in the discussions. You never can tell who might end up in your DMs.

Online dating is also worth exploring, but don’t be desperate. Keep the conversation light, fun and entertaining before moving into more serious topics.

Rome wasn’t even built in a week! Don’t force anything; let things happen naturally.

The last thing to remember is that rejections are inevitable. If someone does not respond despite the best of efforts, that’s okay. Instead of dwelling on why it didn’t work, move on. It just means that she was not right for YOU.

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